225 research outputs found

    Polca SARA - Full polarization, direction-dependent calibration and sparse imaging for radio interferometry

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    New generation of radio interferometers are envisaged to produce high quality, high dynamic range Stokes images of the observed sky from the corresponding under-sampled Fourier domain measurements. In practice, these measurements are contaminated by the instrumental and atmospheric effects that are well represented by Jones matrices, and are most often varying with observation direction and time. These effects, usually unknown, act as a limiting factor in achieving the required imaging performance and thus, their calibration is crucial. To address this issue, we develop a global algorithm, named Polca SARA, aiming to perform full polarization, direction-dependent calibration and sparse imaging by employing a non-convex optimization technique. In contrast with the existing approaches, the proposed method offers global convergence guarantees and flexibility to incorporate sophisticated priors to regularize the imaging as well as the calibration problem. Thus, we adapt a polarimetric imaging specific method, enforcing the physical polarization constraint along with a sparsity prior for the sought images. We perform extensive simulation studies of the proposed algorithm. While indicating the superior performance of polarization constraint based imaging, the obtained results also highlight the importance of calibrating for direction-dependent effects as well as for off-diagonal terms (denoting polarization leakage) in the associated Jones matrices, without inclusion of which the imaging quality deteriorates

    Wideband Super-resolution Imaging in Radio Interferometry via Low Rankness and Joint Average Sparsity Models (HyperSARA)

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    We propose a new approach within the versatile framework of convex optimization to solve the radio-interferometric wideband imaging problem. Our approach, dubbed HyperSARA, solves a sequence of weighted nuclear norm and l21 minimization problems promoting low rankness and joint average sparsity of the wideband model cube. On the one hand, enforcing low rankness enhances the overall resolution of the reconstructed model cube by exploiting the correlation between the different channels. On the other hand, promoting joint average sparsity improves the overall sensitivity by rejecting artefacts present on the different channels. An adaptive Preconditioned Primal-Dual algorithm is adopted to solve the minimization problem. The algorithmic structure is highly scalable to large data sets and allows for imaging in the presence of unknown noise levels and calibration errors. We showcase the superior performance of the proposed approach, reflected in high-resolution images on simulations and real VLA observations with respect to single channel imaging and the CLEAN-based wideband imaging algorithm in the WSCLEAN software. Our MATLAB code is available online on GITHUB

    Localisation of directional scale-discretised wavelets on the sphere

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    Scale-discretised wavelets yield a directional wavelet framework on the sphere where a signal can be probed not only in scale and position but also in orientation. Furthermore, a signal can be synthesised from its wavelet coefficients exactly, in theory and practice (to machine precision). Scale-discretised wavelets are closely related to spherical needlets (both were developed independently at about the same time) but relax the axisymmetric property of needlets so that directional signal content can be probed. Needlets have been shown to satisfy important quasi-exponential localisation and asymptotic uncorrelation properties. We show that these properties also hold for directional scale-discretised wavelets on the sphere and derive similar localisation and uncorrelation bounds in both the scalar and spin settings. Scale-discretised wavelets can thus be considered as directional needlets.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, minor changes to match version accepted for publication by ACH

    PURIFY: a new approach to radio-interferometric imaging

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    In a recent article series, the authors have promoted convex optimization algorithms for radio-interferometric imaging in the framework of compressed sensing, which leverages sparsity regularization priors for the associated inverse problem and defines a minimization problem for image reconstruction. This approach was shown, in theory and through simulations in a simple discrete visibility setting, to have the potential to outperform significantly CLEAN and its evolutions. In this work, we leverage the versatility of convex optimization in solving minimization problems to both handle realistic continuous visibilities and offer a highly parallelizable structure paving the way to significant acceleration of the reconstruction and high-dimensional data scalability. The new algorithmic structure promoted relies on the simultaneous-direction method of multipliers (SDMM), and contrasts with the current major-minor cycle structure of CLEAN and its evolutions, which in particular cannot handle the state-of-the-art minimization problems under consideration where neither the regularization term nor the data term are differentiable functions. We release a beta version of an SDMM-based imaging software written in C and dubbed PURIFY (http://basp-group.github.io/purify/) that handles various sparsity priors, including our recent average sparsity approach SARA. We evaluate the performance of different priors through simulations in the continuous visibility setting, confirming the superiority of SARA

    On sparsity averaging

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    Recent developments in Carrillo et al. (2012) and Carrillo et al. (2013) introduced a novel regularization method for compressive imaging in the context of compressed sensing with coherent redundant dictionaries. The approach relies on the observation that natural images exhibit strong average sparsity over multiple coherent frames. The associated reconstruction algorithm, based on an analysis prior and a reweighted 1\ell_1 scheme, is dubbed Sparsity Averaging Reweighted Analysis (SARA). We review these advances and extend associated simulations establishing the superiority of SARA to regularization methods based on sparsity in a single frame, for a generic spread spectrum acquisition and for a Fourier acquisition of particular interest in radio astronomy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Code available at https://github.com/basp-group/sopt, Full journal letter available at http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1208.233

    Compressed Quantitative MRI: Bloch Response Recovery through Iterated Projection

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    Inspired by the recently proposed Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting technique, we develop a principled compressed sensing framework for quantitative MRI. The three key components are: a random pulse excitation sequence following the MRF technique; a random EPI subsampling strategy and an iterative projection algorithm that imposes consistency with the Bloch equations. We show that, as long as the excitation sequence possesses an appropriate form of persistent excitation, we are able to achieve accurate recovery of the proton density, T1T_1, T2T_2 and off-resonance maps simultaneously from a limited number of samples.Comment: 5 pages 2 figure

    PURIFY: a new algorithmic framework for next-generation radio-interferometric imaging

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    In recent works, compressed sensing (CS) and convex opti- mization techniques have been applied to radio-interferometric imaging showing the potential to outperform state-of-the-art imaging algorithms in the field. We review our latest contributions [1, 2, 3], which leverage the versatility of convex optimization to both handle realistic continuous visibilities and offer a highly parallelizable structure paving the way to significant acceleration of the reconstruction and high-dimensional data scalability. The new algorithmic structure promoted in a new software PURIFY (beta version) relies on the simultaneous-direction method of multipliers (SDMM). The performance of various sparsity priors is evaluated through simulations in the continuous visibility setting, confirming the superiority of our recent average sparsity approach SARA

    A non-convex perspective on calibration and imaging in radio interferometry

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    A forward-backward algorithm for reweighted procedures: Application to radio-astronomical imaging

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